Friday, September 9, 2016

Nutrition Facts That Should be Common Sense

Here are nutrition facts that should be common sense :

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables help keep teens healthy, prevent disease, and are low in fat and calories. 

People of all ages should eat seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Ideally, adolescents should eat seven servings daily.

Fruits and vegetables can be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. The following examples equal one serving size of a fruit or vegetable:

Whole grains

Whole grains contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are important for a teen’s health and growth.

Today, many foods such as white bread and white rice are made with refined grains, which are low in fiber and other nutrients found naturally in grains. Instead, it’s best to eat a variety of whole grain foods. Ideas include:

Check the Nutrition Facts labels to choose whole grain foods that contain at least 10 percent Daily Value of fiber and are low in saturated fat, trans fat, sugars, and sodium (salt). 

In addition, one of the following whole grains should be listed first on the ingredient list:

·         Brown rice

·         Oatmeal

·         Rolled or whole oats

·         Bulgur (cracked wheat)

·         Popcorn

·         Whole rye

·         Graham flour

·         Whole barley

·         Whole wheat

·         Whole grain corn

Wheat flour, enriched flour, and degerminated corn meal are not whole grains.


One of the best known benefits of fiber is that it reduces constipation. 

But did you know that fiber may also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease?

The total number of fiber grams to be consumed by children can be computed by adding their age plus five. For example, a 14-year-old girl should take in about 19 grams of fiber every day. Ideas for increasing fiber intake include:

§  Eating whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juices.

§  Eating brown rice and whole-grain products instead of white rice, bread, and pasta.

§  Choosing whole-grain cereals for breakfast.

§  Snacking on raw vegetables.

§  Replacing legumes for meat two to three times per week in chili and soups.

Using whole grains and legumes as part of the main meal (such as Indian dal or lentils) or in salads (such as tabouli).


Protein helps build and repair body tissue and is important for growth and daily energy levels. 

Teens need two servings of protein each day, which equals six ounces. Good sources of protein include:


Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for adolescents. If teens get enough calcium while they are young, they can strengthen their bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Foods with calcium include:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Nutrition Tips to remember when exercising


This sounds obvious but the first thing to get right is the overall balance of the diet.

There must be sufficient carbohydrate,protein, and essential fats vitamins and minerals in the diet to enable quality training to take place. 

All food groups should be included and the importance of simple strategies like eating a wide variety of brightly coloured fruit and vegetables every day to provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants should not be overlooked.


Another key thing is to think about correct fuelling before exercise. It’s important to have eaten some carbohydrate rich foods (cereal, bread, pasta, rice, potato etc.) a few hours before exercise especially if it’s going to be a fairly high intensity cardio–based session otherwise there will be nothing in the tank. 

Include carbohydrate foods that release energy more slowly (low glycaemic index) such as multi grain bread, muesli, porridge, sweet potato and pasta.


Hydration is also important as it affects exercise capacity, perception of effort and mental functioning. 

Starting exercise already well hydrated is important and checking for pale coloured urine can be used as a crude indicator of an adequate hydration state. 

Taking fluids on board if exercising for more than 30 minutes is important. Water will often suffice for short periods of exercise but during longer periods a sports drink containing carbohydrate can have performance benefits.

Recovery nutrition:

This is really most relevant for athletes training for periods of an hour or more several times per day. For them, consuming carbohydrate in combination with some protein either in the form of a drink or snack as soon as possible after the session makes a big difference to how they feel and perform in the next session. 

It also  positively enhances the physiological adaptation that takes place following exercise. 

The target amounts post–training are in the region of 1 – 1.2g carbohydrate per kg and 0.3g protein/kg body weight but this will vary according to the type of session completed.

Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast

Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast

DR. HYMAN'S revolutionary weight-loss program, based on the #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestseller the blood sugar solution, supercharged for immediate results

Most people don’t connect the dots between what they’re eating and how they feel. 

Most of us don’t realize how bad we feel until we start feeling good. 

The best way to do that is with a quick-start reboot. Completely change your diet for 10 days and notice how you feel. 

The power of the 10-Day Detox Diet is that, in a very short time, you can use a scientifically designed program to regain your health and discover how great you can feel when you take away all the junk and eat real food. 

Most people have never ever done that, and most people are simply a few days away from feeling well

What you’ll notice is that, not only will your cravings get better, not only  will your energy improve, and not only  will you lose weight—which is actually a side effect of getting healthy—but a whole list of health problems may improve or disappear entirely. 

THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION 10-DAY DETOX DIET is aimed at helping readers activate their body’s natural ability to burn fat and lose weight fast.

 we are going to jumpstart your metabolism and reboot your system. 

You will learn ways to sleep better , have more energy and release extra weight. 

This challenge will not focus on counting calories, it will focus on feeding your body with delicious and satisfying foods that will leave you feeling more balanced and empowered.

THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION 10-DAY DETOX DIET includes everything needed to achieve a total body revolution, including:

** A guide toward understanding the nature of food addiction and how our biology has been held hostage by the food industry 

** How the 10-Day Detox program works both scientifically and practically, including what foods to eat, where to access the resources to get support, and how to track progress 

** How to prepare home and body for the program, such as detoxing the kitchen, what supplies to stock, what substances—alcohol, coffee, and sugar—to taper off, and methods for aligning mind and intentions

** A step-by-step, goof-proof plan for each of the 10 days, including meal plans and recipes 

** Detailed information on how to safely transition into a long-term plan personalized specifically to each individual’s needs 

** How to be part of the larger solution to the health and obesity crisis affecting our world 


• You want to enjoy delicious foods without counting calories.

• You want to balance your blood sugar and insulin levels.

• You want to feel more balanced energy and learn about the root cause of your fatigue.

• You want to stop your cravings once and for all.

• You are ready to make a lifestyle change that will have lasting results

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

THE 3 WEEK DIET IS The Best Diet For Weight Loss!?!

The looming question that is on everyone’s mind’s seems to be what is the best diet a person can adopt to realize not only the most weight-loss but weight loss that lasts.
THE 3 WEEK DIET  IS The Best Diet For Weight Loss!?!

THE 3 WEEK DIET is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose between 12 and 23 pounds of fat in just 21 days.— all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.

THE 3 WEEK DIET  is basically a combination of different diets which are chained together into different phases. The diet starts with a detox phase, then an optional fasting phase followed by two different low carb phases.

This allows you to live a “normal” life and enjoy with your favorite foods. without worrying about the weight coming back (you’ll love this!).


This was specifically designed for those who don’t have time to go to the gym every day—but it also includes a gym workout for those who do.

GUARANTEED It’s just this simple: If at anytime in the next 60 days you have not lost the weight  or…if you’re just not completely satisfied with The 3 Week Diet for any reason whatsoever , Get Your Money back 

Keep in mind that $47 is less than the price of most monthly gym memberships, or just one session with a personal trainer…and neither of them promise to give your money back if you don’t see results…

Top Six tips for swimming

Swimming  is one of the few sports that can be undertaken by anyone, regardless of height, weight and build, size, gender or age – so why not take the plunge and join them?!

Swimming provides a workout for your entire body; not only is it a cardiovascular workout but it improves strength, flexibility and balance.

Most of the time you are in the pool you are working; just getting into the water burns calories as the body has to work harder to stay warm.

Also, the hydrostatic pressure of the water creates a massaging effect,which helps soothe and comfort joints, muscles and internal organs.

This hydrostatic pressure also reduces the demand on the heart by up to 17bpm or 13% than that of someone exercising on land. This allows you to work longer and use more fat as a fuel source.

And Below These are top 6 tips For swimming pls kept them on you mind when you are swimming 

1 Keep feet off the floor – when coming to the shallow end try to avoid putting feet on the floor and instead just hold the wall and push off.

2 If you struggle with front crawl breathing it is worth investing in goggles as the ability to see in the water can be a huge help.

3 Breast stroke – think “pull (arms), breathe, kick (legs), glide (arms & legs)”.

4 Back stroke – Keep ears in the water, tummy at the top of the water, knees just below the water and toes pointed, making only a small splash.

5 Front crawl – When your face is in the water be sure to breathe out little bubbles instead of holding your breath; this will help to control breathing. Also, keep one ear and one eye in the water as you turn your head to breathe.

6 And don’t forget – compared to most land–based activities, post–exercise appetite levels for swimming can be sky high. This is due to differences in blood flow to the digestive system; during swimming this is elevated and increases hunger pains. Most swimming pools have vending machines – but to improve long–term fitness and save money, take your own healthy snacks:fruit, sandwiches, milkshakes, etc.

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Five Phases of Fitness (Psychological)

Below are the five phases we all go through when starting a new fitness program no matter what fitness level we are.

1) Make a decision to get healthy...This takes 3-4 seconds but it takes about 2-3 weeks to make a habit - hang in there at least that long...and BUILD GOOD HABITS.

2) You doubt yourself. It is absolutely natural to have doubts about what you are undertaking. My advice is to start doubting yourself as quickly as possible and get over it. Realize self doubt is part of the process...Even SEAL trainees doubt themselves, but those who become SEALs conquer their doubt.

3) Conquer Doubt - You can do anything you set your mind to. That is what you just told yourself. This is where the mind and body connect. Use the workouts to be a catalyst in all areas of your life: work, relationships, school, etc...I am a firm believer that exercising your body will give you the stamina and energy to exercise your mind spirit and build better relationships with those around you...

4) Associate yourself with fit and healthy people. Now you are fit in mind and body. Your example will inspire others. Be a role model to another heavy person. People will be amazed by your new work ethic and work and play. Eating healthy is now a habit for you too...In fact eating crappy food makes you feel ill slightly..

 5) Set and conquer a goal for yourself. Whatever you like - run, swim bike weight lift...Challenge yourself to run a 10k, lift 400 lbs etc...

Source of the article Book The FREE 45 Day Beginner Program 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Top Five tips for practicing yoga .

1 Food
Try not to eat or drink anything for at least two hours before practicing as you will be more comfortable moving and twisting your body on an empty stomach. If you are hungry eat something light such as a banana or fruit bar and drink a little lukewarm water.

2 Clothing
Wear something comfortable. You will be most comfortable in something that enables you to move freely. Ladies, this also includes comfy underwear such as soft supportive bras instead of under–wired ones which can be uncomfortable in certain positions.

3 Ego
Yoga is not a competitive sport but sometimes we feel like we have to keep up with others in the class. Try not to get caught up in this string of thought, and rest when you need to rest. With continued practice your stamina, strength and flexibility will improve. You will feel less likely to continue if you come out of the class feeling completely shattered. After a few classes you will begin to feel energised, uplifted and revitalised.

4 Breath
During your practice, keep an eye on how you are breathing.
If your breath becomes forced or you feel over–exerted focus on long, deep, even breaths. This will ensure your muscles get enough oxygen helping to avoid fatigue, as well as keeping your cardiovascular system healthy.

5 Injuries

Lastly, if you have any previous or existing injuries or ailments, or think you may be pregnant inform your teacher who will be able to advise you on any modifications that you will need during the class.